Downloading/Installing ********************** Python 2.7 is required for running dispass. If you are using Archlinux, it is advised to install dispass `from the AUR `_. Installing from the AUR will also install the manpage, info documentation, zsh completion, desktop configuration and logo files and is therefore recommended on Arch. Using pip to download from the Python Package Index =================================================== The recommended way is to download and install directly from the PyPI repository using pip: .. code:: console sudo pip install dispass This will install the dispass module in python's dist-packages folder. You can now use dispass by executing the ``dispass`` and/or ``gdispass`` scripts placed under '/usr/local/bin/' or '/usr/bin/'. It is recommended to also install the manpage, info documentation, zsh completion, desktop configuration and logo files. You can do so by downloading the tarball from .. code:: console wget Then unpack it and install via make: .. code:: console tar -xf DisPass-0.3.0.tar.gz cd DisPass-0.3.0 sudo make install-metafiles Latest (development) version ============================ Clone git repo: .. code:: console git clone git:// cd dispass Then you can either (in order of my personal preference): 1. Install using the Makefile, this will perform all the steps in option 2 (below): .. code:: console sudo make install 2. Install manually through pip, and install manpage, info documentation, zsh completion, desktop configuration and logo files: .. code:: console sudo pip2 install -r requirements.txt python2 bdist_wheel sudo pip2 install dist/DisPass-.tar.gz gzip -c dispass.1 > dispass.1.gz gzip -c > sudo install -Dm644 dispass.1.gz /usr/share/man/man1/dispass.1.gz sudo install -Dm644 /usr/share/info/ sudo install -Dm644 zsh/_dispass /usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_dispass sudo install -Dm644 etc/dispass.desktop /usr/share/applications/dispass.desktop sudo install -Dm644 logo/logo24.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/dispass.png sudo install -Dm644 logo/logo32.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/dispass.png sudo install -Dm644 logo/logo64.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/dispass.png sudo install -Dm644 logo/logo128.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/dispass.png sudo install -Dm644 logo/logo256.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/dispass.png sudo install -Dm644 logo/logo512.png /usr/share/icons/hicolor/512x512/apps/dispass.png 3. Install manually (no manpage): .. code:: console sudo python install Upgrade or uninstall with pip ============================================================================== You can easily upgrade to newer versions using pip: .. code:: console sudo pip install --upgrade dispass If you have installed dispass using pip, you can easily uninstall at any moment by running: .. code:: console sudo pip uninstall dispass