Using dispass ============= Basic usage ----------- You can start using dispass for e.g. like this: .. code:: console dispass generate The passphrases created are 30 characters long by default, but some websites may not validate such a long passphrase or you might want to make it even longer. You can easily set a desired passphrase length using the ``-l`` flag. Hotmail passwords are limited to 16 characters: .. code:: console dispass generate -l 16 hotmail Generating passphrases for multiple labels is just as easy: .. code:: console dispass generate google hotmail YaHo0 "P0551bly*a81t)H4rd2rmbr" Labels are case-sensitive and digits and special characters can be used. You should try to name labels in a way that you can easily generate a passphrase on any computer/device that has DisPass at any given moment. Label specifications -------------------- While the above works fine without storing any information, you are encouraged to store your labels in a labelfile for convenience. That way, you don't have to use the ``-l 16`` option everytime you create your hotmail password. Labels have a specification that consists of the following parameters: - length (the length of the passphrase) - algorithm (the algorithm to use) - sequence number (not used in default algorithm) The **labelspec** looks like this:: label[:size[:algorithm[:sequence_number]]] Adding a label -------------- You can save a new ``hotmail`` label with a length of 16 and generate the passphrase in one go: .. code:: console dispass add -g hotmail:16 The next time you generate a passphrase for ``hotmail`` using: .. code:: console dispass generate hotmail it will return the same passphrase as before (with a length of 16 characters). Incrementing sequence numbers ----------------------------- You might want to change the passphrase you enter into some system. Of course, you can do this simply by using a different label, e.g.: ``Hotmail`` or ``hotmail-2``. You don't have to though. DisPass supports dealing with this situation in the *dispass2* algorithm. It basically gives you an option of *bumping* a passphrase by simply incrementing a **sequence number**. To use sequence numbers with the hotmail label from before you can update it to use the dispass2 algorithm with sequence number 1: .. code:: console dispass update hotmail 16:dispass2:1 dispass generate hotmail The next time you want to use a different passphrase, you can simply use .. code:: console dispass increment hotmail dispass generate hotmail Subcommands ----------- DisPass has many commands around managing the labels. You can see all available subcommands and options of dispass by running ``dispass --help`` or just running ``dispass`` wihout any arguments. .. code:: console usage: dispass [options] [] Commands: add add a new label to labelfile disable disable a label without throwing it away enable enable a label generate generate passphrases for one or more labels gui start the graphical version of DisPass help show this help information increment increment the sequence number of a label list print a formatted table of labelfile contents remove remove label from labelfile update update length, algo or seqno of a label version show full version information Options: -f , --file= override labelfile -h, --help show this help information -V, --version show full version information See 'dispass help ' for more information on a specific command. For full documentation, see 'man dispass' or visit dispass add ########### Add a new label to the labelfile and generate passphrase. The labelspec looks like this: ``label[:size[:algorithm[:sequence_number]]]`` :: usage: dispass add [-g] [-n] [-s] [] [...] dispass add [-i] [-g] [-h] -i, --interactive add label in an interactive manner -g, --generate immediately generate passphrase after adding it -h, --help show this help information -n, --dry-run do not actually add label to labelfile -s, --silent do not print success message dispass disable ############### Disable a label without throwing it away :: usage: dispass disable