Using gdispass ============== Before you start using ``gDispass``, make sure that the Tkinter library is available. Here are some instructions to help you along: Debian / Ubuntu Make sure the ``python-tk`` package is installed:: sudo apt-get install python-tk OpenBSD Make sure the ``python-tk`` package is installed:: pkg_add -i python-tk Archlinux The tkinter Python library is included in the ``python`` package, to make it work you need to be sure the ``tk`` package is installed:: sudo pacman -S tk You can start using gDisPass by running the ``gdispass`` executable. Fill in a name for the label that you can easily remember. To generate a passphrase for a new label, i.e. a label that you have never used before, check the appropriate checkbox. This will allow you to enter the (master) password twice. gDisPass will then compare the passwords to see if they are the same. This is needed to minimize the risk of typos. It is advised that you check the box everytime you create a passphrase for a new label. Subsequential generation of passphrases for the same label most probably do not need this check. You will likely be warned when/if you made a typo by the system or website you want to authenticate for. If you correctly entered a label and password, you can generate the passphrase by pressing or by clicking the appropriate button. The resulting passphrase will be focused and selected. On platforms that support it (e.g. \*BSD or GNU/Linux) the passphrase will be automatically placed into your copy/paste buffer. Resetting all fields when you are done or when you need to quickly cancel the generation (because someone is watching over your shoulders) can be done by pressing or by clicking the appropriate button.