API Reference

Core modules


Passphrase algorithms

The algos module is the most important part of DisPass. The algorithms DisPass uses to create the passphrases are defined as separate classes in this module.

class dispass.algos.Dispass1[source]

Dispass1 algorithm


>>> dispass1 = Dispass1()
>>> dispass1.digest('test', 'qqqqqqqq')
>>> dispass1.digest('test2', 'qqqqqqqq', 50)
static digest(label, password, length=30, seqno=None)[source]

Create and return secure hash of message

A secure hash/message digest formed by hashing a string (formed by concatenating label+password) with the sha512 algorithm, encoding this hash with base64 and stripping it down to the first length characters.

  • label: String. Labelname
  • password: String. The input password
  • length: Length of output hash (optional)
  • seqno: Sequence number. Not used in Dispass1
  • The secure hash of label + password
class dispass.algos.Dispass2[source]

Dispass2 algorithm


>>> dispass2 = Dispass2()
>>> dispass2.digest('test', 'qqqqqqqq')
>>> dispass2.digest('test2', 'qqqqqqqq', 50, 10)
static digest(label, password, length=30, seqno=1)[source]

Create and return secure hash of message

A secure hash/message digest formed by hashing a string (formed by concatenating label+seqno+password) with the sha512 algorithm, encoding this hash with base64 and stripping it down to the first length characters.

  • label: String. Labelname
  • password: String. The input password
  • length: Length of output hash (optional)
  • seqno: Integer. Sequence number.
  • The secure hash of label + seqno + password

Return an algorithm object

  • algoname: String. Name of the algorithm
  • An algorithm object or False
dispass.algos.algorithms = ('dispass1', 'dispass2')

A tuple of registrered algorithms, used for validation of user input


Contains settings object/instance, DisPassCommand object and version info

class dispass.dispass.DispassCommand(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Main shell command object


The run method of the main command

This is the first point of entry that will parse the command and arguments given in the shell by the user, directing arguments to subcommands if applicable.

The subcommands are imported in this method, since doing it in the module itself causes circular import problems. There is support for dynamically loading the modules, so you can define custom commands. The (main) subcommands get imported explicitly so that ‘freezing’ apps like PyInstaller will correctly include the modules.

class dispass.dispass.Settings[source]

Global settings

algorithm = 'dispass1'

String. The algorithm to use, default is dispass1

disabled = False

Bool. Default disabled state

passphrase_length = 30

Int. Default passphrase length

sequence_number = 1

Int. Default sequence number


Returns a string with verbose version information

The string shows the version of DisPass and that of Python. It also displays the name of the operating system/platform name.


Main functions / setup.py script entry points for console and GUI.


Main function for dispass (command line)


Main function for gdispass (GUI)

Interface modules


Handling of password input and printing passphrases (using ncurses)

class dispass.cli.CLI(filehandler)[source]

Command Line Interface handling

generate(password, labeltup)[source]

Generate passphrase and store result in passphrases

  • password: Password to use for passphrase generation
  • labeltup: A tuple labeltup with 5 values:
    • label: Label to use for passphrase generation
    • length: Length to use for passphrase generation
    • algo: Algorithm to use for passphrase generation
    • seqno: Sequence number to use for passphrase generation
    • disabled: Whether or not the label is disabled

Output and flush passphrase(s)

passphrases = {}

Dict of labels and generated passphrases


Prompt for password

Use the getpass.getpass function to ask the user for the password and ensure it is 8 characters. The password will be asked twice if self.verifyPassword == True.

Return:Password string.
scriptableIO = False

Boolean. Optimize input/output for wrapping dispass


Optionally override self.useCurses

Instead of setting the instance variable self.useCurses directly, a setter is used to ensure it can only be set to True if the curses library is supported.

  • useCurses: Boolean
verifyPassword = False

Boolean. Prompt for password twice and save label to labelfile


Module that houses all GUI related objects and interactions

class dispass.gui.GUI(settings, filehandler)[source]

GUI object with tkinter mainloop


Clear all input and output fields


Clear all input fields


Clear all output fields


Create and align widgets


Filter labels according to what was typed into the entry.

font = 'Verdana'

Default font (Verdana)

fontsize = 10

Default fontsize (10 pt.)


Get font and fontsize, optionally differ from default fontsize

  • sizediff: The difference in pt. from the default fontsize
  • Tuple of (font, fontsize) to be used when creating widgets

Set values of input fields according to the selected label.


Change focus to password field.


Clear all input and output and focus label entry


Toggle checking of input password


Check user input

Warn when user input is insufficient or wrong. Create digest and display the generated password if user input is OK.

warn(message, warning_type='soft', box_title='')[source]

Prototype for warning user

  • soft warnings display a message in the passwordout field
  • hard warnings do the same and also display a messagebox
  • message: The message string for warning the user
  • warning_type: Either ‘soft’ (default value) or ‘hard’
  • box_title: Optional title for tkMessageBox on hard warnings


Dispass labelfile handler

class dispass.filehandler.Filehandler(settings, file_location=None)[source]

Parsing of labelfiles and writing to labelfiles

add(labelname, length=None, algo=None, seqno=None, disabled=False)[source]

Add label to labelfile

disable(labelname, disabled=True)[source]

Disable or enable a label

file_found = None

Boolean value set on init

file_location = None

String of labelfile location, set on init

filehandle = None

File object, set on init if labelfile is found


Scan default labelfile paths


Increment sequence number of labelfile

labelfile = []

List of [(labelname, length, algorithm, seqno, disabled), … ]


Get labeltup for label

  • label: The labelname
  • A tuple with 5 values (label, length, algo, seqno, disabled))
    • label: Label to use for passphrase generation
    • length: Length to use for passphrase generation
    • algo: Algorithm to use for passphrase generation
    • seqno: Sequence number to use for passphrase generation
    • disabled: Whether or not the passphrase is disabled
longest_label = None

Int. Length of the longest labelname of labelfile. Set on refresh()


Create dictionary {algorithm: (label, (length, seqno, disabled))}

printLabels(fixed_columns=False, labels_only=False, all_=False)[source]

Print a formatted table of labelfile contents

  • fixed_columns: Boolean.
  • labels_only: Boolean.

If labels_only is True, only the labelnames will be printed.

If fixed_columns is true the output will be optimized for easy parsing by other programs and scripts by not printing the header and always printing one entry on a single line using the following positions:

  • Column 1-50: labelname (50 chars)
  • Column 52-54: length (3 chars wide)
  • Column 56-70: hash algo (15 chars wide)
  • Column 72-74: sequence number (3 chars wide)
  • Column 76-77: disabled (1 char wide)

If fixed columns is false an ascii table is printed with a variable width depending on the length of the longest label.


Create the labelfile, optionally warning the user beforehand

  • silent: When True, the user will not be warned.

Boolean. Indicating if the labelfile was created succesfully.


Sort labelfile on labelname and get longest label


Remove label from labelfile


Save labelfile to file

update(labelname, length=None, algo=None, seqno=None, disabled=None)[source]

Update label in labelfile


User interface module for altering labelfiles

class dispass.interactive_editor.InteractiveEditor(settings, filehandler, interactive=False)[source]

User interface object for altering labelfiles

filehandler = None

Filehandler object


Keep bugging the user for a label until they crack and give us one.

Subcommand modules

Subcommands are defined in the dispass.commands package as separate modules containing a class derived from pycommand.CommandBase.


Subcommand module add; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.add.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Add a new label to the labelfile and generate passphrase.


Subcommand module generate; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.generate.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Generate passphrases for one or more labels


Subcommand module gui; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.gui.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Start the graphical version of DisPass


Subcommand module help; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.help.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Show help information


Subcommand module increment; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.increment.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Increment the sequence number of a label


Subcommand module list; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.list.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Print a formatted table of labelfile contents


Subcommand module remove; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.remove.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Remove label from labelfile


Subcommand module version; contains only a single class Command

class dispass.commands.version.Command(argv=['-b', 'html', '-d', '_build/doctrees', '.', '_build/html'])[source]

Show full version information