Using dispass

Basic usage

You can start using dispass for e.g. like this:

dispass generate

The passphrases created are 30 characters long by default, but some websites may not validate such a long passphrase or you might want to make it even longer. You can easily set a desired passphrase length using the -l flag. Hotmail passwords are limited to 16 characters:

dispass generate -l 16 hotmail

Generating passphrases for multiple labels is just as easy:

dispass generate google hotmail YaHo0 "P0551bly*a81t)H4rd2rmbr"

Labels are case-sensitive and digits and special characters can be used. You should try to name labels in a way that you can easily generate a passphrase on any computer/device that has DisPass at any given moment.

Label specifications

While the above works fine without storing any information, you are encouraged to store your labels in a labelfile for convenience. That way, you don’t have to use the -l 16 option everytime you create your hotmail password.

Labels have a specification that consists of the following parameters:

  • length (the length of the passphrase)
  • algorithm (the algorithm to use)
  • sequence number (not used in default algorithm)

The labelspec looks like this:


Adding a label

You can save a new hotmail label with a length of 16 and generate the passphrase in one go:

dispass add -g hotmail:16

The next time you generate a passphrase for hotmail using:

dispass generate hotmail

it will return the same passphrase as before (with a length of 16 characters).

Incrementing sequence numbers

You might want to change the passphrase you enter into some system. Of course, you can do this simply by using a different label, e.g.: Hotmail or hotmail-2. You don’t have to though.

DisPass supports dealing with this situation in the dispass2 algorithm. It basically gives you an option of bumping a passphrase by simply incrementing a sequence number.

To use sequence numbers with the hotmail label from before you can update it to use the dispass2 algorithm with sequence number 1:

dispass update hotmail 16:dispass2:1
dispass generate hotmail

The next time you want to use a different passphrase, you can simply use

dispass increment hotmail
dispass generate hotmail


DisPass has many commands around managing the labels. You can see all available subcommands and options of dispass by running dispass --help or just running dispass wihout any arguments.

usage: dispass [options] <command> [<args>]

   add          add a new label to labelfile
   disable      disable a label without throwing it away
   enable       enable a label
   generate     generate passphrases for one or more labels
   gui          start the graphical version of DisPass
   help         show this help information
   increment    increment the sequence number of a label
   list         print a formatted table of labelfile contents
   remove       remove label from labelfile
   update       update length, algo or seqno of a label
   version      show full version information

-f <labelfile>, --file=<labelfile>  override labelfile
-h, --help                          show this help information
-V, --version                       show full version information

See 'dispass help <command>' for more information on a specific command.
For full documentation, see 'man dispass' or visit

dispass add

Add a new label to the labelfile and generate passphrase. The labelspec looks like this: label[:size[:algorithm[:sequence_number]]]

usage: dispass add [-g] [-n] [-s] <labelspec> [<labelspec2>] [...]
       dispass add [-i] [-g] [-h]
-i, --interactive
 add label in an interactive manner
-g, --generate immediately generate passphrase after adding it
-h, --help show this help information
-n, --dry-run do not actually add label to labelfile
-s, --silent do not print success message

dispass disable

Disable a label without throwing it away

usage: dispass disable <label>
-h, --help show this help information
-n, --dry-run do not actually update label in labelfile
-s, --silent do not print success message

dispass enable

Enable a label

usage: dispass enable <label>
-h, --help show this help information
-n, --dry-run do not actually update label in labelfile
-s, --silent do not print success message

dispass generate

Generate passphrases for one or more labels

Use the -v flag to ask for password twice to avoid typing errors

usage: dispass generate [options] <label> [<label2>] [<label3>] [...]
-h, --help show this help information
-v, --verify verify password
-l <length>, --length=<length>
 length of passphrase
-a <algorithm>, --algo=<algorithm>
 algorithm to use for generation
-s <seqno>, --seqno=<seqno>
 sequence number to use for generation
-p <password>, --password=<password>
 password to use for generation
-o, --stdout output passphrase(s) directly to stdout
--silent do not show a prompt when errors occur

dispass gui

Start the graphical version of DisPass.

usage: dispass gui [-h]
-h, --help show this help information

dispass help

Show help information

usage: dispass help [<command>]

dispass increment

Increment the sequence number of a label

usage: dispass increment [-n] [-s] <label>
       dispass increment [-h]
-h, --help show this help information
-n, --dry-run do not actually update label in labelfile
-s, --silent do not print success message

dispass list

Print a formatted table of labelfile contents

If --script is passed the output will be optimized for easy parsing by other programs and scripts by not printing the header and always printing one entry on a single line using the following positions:

Column  1-50: labelname        50 chars wide
Column 52-54: length            3 chars wide
Column 56-70: hash algo        15 chars wide
Column 72-74: sequence number   3 chars wide
Column 76-77: disabled          1 char wide
usage: dispass list [-h] [-n] [--script]
-a, --all include disabled labels
-h, --help show this help information
-n, --names-only
 only print names of the labels
--script output in fixed columns

dispass remove

Remove label from labelfile

usage: dispass remove [-n] [-s] <labelname> [<labelname2>] [...]
       dispass remove [-i] [-h]
-i, --interactive
 remove label in an interactive manner
-h, --help show this help information
-n, --dry-run do not actually remove label from labelfile
-s, --silent do not print success message

dispass update

Update information for a label

usage: dispass update [-n] [-s] <label> [<size>]:[<algorithm>]:[<sequence_number>]
       dispass update [-h]
-h, --help show this help information
-n, --dry-run do not actually update label in labelfile
-s, --silent do not print success message

dispass version

Show full version information

usage: dispass version